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Service to others performed in a moral and honest manner-is the "cornerstone" of a professional practice.  It is essential that the system for establishing justice be developed and maintained in such a way that the public shall have absolute confidence in the integrity and impartiality of its administration. Such a system cannot exist unless the conduct and motives of the members of the legal profession merit the approval of all just and honest citizens.  Not only is the future of this country and its justice system dependent on the ETHICAL conduct of those who are licensed to administer justice, but also the future legal profession depends on its members acting in an ETHICAL manner. Only a profession made up of members with the highest ethical considerations can continue to deliver the service and confidence DEMANDED BY THE PUBLIC.

Legal Ethics:

This demonic, illegal and obtuse judicial bias is what WE have to look out for as a community/society.
I feel your pain, if it happened to me it can/will happen to you.

Vacaville Law enforcement officers who once worked the Solano courthouses stated, " The Courts/DCSS don't do their job, we know all of them, why waste your time? Bill Crow is the worst of them; However, Comm/ Alberta Chew was fair/just in her role."-2015 Vacaville Police Officer former court bailiff.

Solano County Court TRANSCRIPTS that inspired                                                                       Court

David Haet

Willful misconduct generally means a knowing violation of a reasonable and uniformly enforced rule or policy. It means intentionally doing that which should not be done or intentionally failing to do that which should be done, knowing that injury to a person will probably result or recklessly disregarding the possibility that injury to a person may result. The term is applied in various legal contexts, such as employment and, torts, and public offices.






MODEL RULES OF PROF’L CONDUCT Rule 2.1  See, e.g., Lazy Seven Coal Sales, 813 S.W.2d at  Troubled by his court's ruling, one judge concurred:
The majority has begun the descent of the slippery slope of legislating civility and courtesy. In the future, this Court no doubt will have to classify some professionalism standards as more important than others, some transgressions as more unprofessional than others, and some standards as appropriate weapons in the litigation arena and others only as guides for regulating conduct through our attorney disciplinary agencies.

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Top female Indiana judge accused of having sex with inmate half her age in prison interview room

Minors Tried as Adults



Why Study Ethics?

By Christopher Panza and Adam Potthast

Part of the Ethics For Dummies Cheat Sheet


Ethics is a central component of any happy, healthy, and mature life. But some critics still question the value of studying ethics and living an ethical life. After all, if you ignore ethics, you can just focus on yourself, right? Not so fast. Some great reasons to resist those critics include the following:

  • Ethics allows you to live an authentic life. An authentic and meaningful life requires you to live with a sense of integrity. Integrity is making commitments and sticking to them through thick and thin — no matter how much violating them may benefit you. Having a firm character or set of principles to guide your life and the choices you make is what ethics is all about.

  • Ethics makes you more successful. You may think that ethics can hold you back in all kinds of ways, but the truth is the opposite. Ethical people embody traits that unethical people have to work at to fake — they’re honest, trustworthy, loyal, and caring. As a result, ethical people are perfectly suited not only for interpersonal relationships generally, but also more specifically for the kinds of interactions that make for thriving business. Unethical people generally don’t do so well at these things.

  • Ethics allows you to cultivate inner peace. Lives that are lived ethically tend to be calmer, more focused, and more productive than those that are lived unethically. Most people can’t turn off their sympathy for other human beings. Hurting people leaves scars on both the giver and the receiver. As a result, unethical people have stormier internal lives because they have to work to suppress their consciences and sympathies to deal with the ways they treat others. When they fail to properly suppress their sympathies, the guilt and shame that comes with harming or disrespecting one’s fellow human beings takes deep root within them.

  • Ethics provides for a stable society. When people live ethical lives, they tell the truth, avoid harming others, and are generous. Working with such people is easy. On the other hand, callous and insensitive people are distrusted, so it’s difficult for them to be integrated well into social arrangements. A stable society requires a lot of ethical people working together in highly coordinated ways. If society were mostly composed of unethical people, it would quickly crumble.

  • Ethics may help out in the afterlife. Some religious traditions believe ethics is the key to something even greater than personal success and social stability: eternal life. No one can be sure about an eternal life, but people of faith from many different religions believe that good behavior in this life leads to rewards in the next life.





What is Ethics?

Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for man. It answers the question, "What do I do?" It is the study of right and wrong in human endeavors. At a more fundamental level, it is the method by which we categorize our values and pursue them. Do we pursue our own happiness, or do we sacrifice ourselves to a greater cause? Is that foundation of ethics based on the Bible, or on the very nature of man himself, or neither?

Why is Ethics important?

Ethics is a requirement for human life. It is our means of deciding a course of action. Without it, our actions would be random and aimless. There would be no way to work towards a goal because there would be no way to pick between a limitless number of goals. Even with an ethical standard, we may be unable to pursue our goals with the possibility of success. To the degree to which a rational ethical standard is taken, we are able to correctly organize our goals and actions to accomplish our most important values. Any flaw in our ethics will reduce our ability to be successful in our endeavors.


What are the key elements of a proper Ethics?

A proper foundation of ethics requires a standard of value to which all goals and actions can be compared to. This standard is our own lives and the happiness which makes them livable. This is our ultimate standard of value, the goal in which an ethical man must always aim. It is arrived at by an examination of man's nature and recognizing his peculiar needs. A system of ethics must further consist of not only emergency situations but the day-to-day choices we make constantly. It must include our relations to others, and recognize their importance not only to our physical survival but to our well-being and happiness. It must recognize that our lives are an end in themselves, and that sacrifice is not only not necessary, but destructive.






Document: Justice reports finds systematic discrimination by  Courts and police in Ferguson



Updated 2:43 PM ET, Wed March 4, 2015



(CNN)A Justice Department civil rights investigation has concluded that the Ferguson Police Department and the city's municipal court engaged in a "pattern and practice" of discrimination against African-Americans, targeting them disproportionately for traffic stops, use of force, and jail sentences, according to a U.S. law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

Read the full report from the Justice Department below:






Solano County California runs the biggest systematic discrimination read transcripts:




The Judicial Problem​

Black robe disease (also known as black robe syndrome) is a condition which is not widely known to the general public, but which every trial lawyer in the country could describe in great detail if they were not too afraid to speak out against judges suffering from it.  

It afflicts those lawyers who have reached the pinnacle of professional status by achieving the position of judge, infecting all levels of the American judicial system.

Black robe disease is characterized by exhibiting three or more (though frequently all) of the following symptoms:

  • Inflated ego and an excessive sense of self-importance

  • Lack of empathy

  • Sudden outbursts of rage (whether genuine or exhibited for show)

  • Refusal to effectively manage scheduling issues

  • Belief in a double standard when it comes to the judge’s own conduct

  • Lack of patience with inexperienced lawyers

  • Hostility towards lawyers more knowledgeable than the judge

  • Inability to work efficiently

  • A compulsion to waste the time of others

  • Imperious attitude

  • The belief that his or her words are dogma

  • An obsessive desire to be kissed on the ass

  • Self-regulation is a cornerstone of the legal profession.  Ethics rules not only guide the Judges/lawyers behavior, they also shape the role of Judge's in society to some extent.  Since ethics rules have contributed to the public’s perception of proper Judges/lawyers conduct, it stands to reason that these rules also may be perceived as the standard by which legal services are measured.

    Although ethics rules were promulgated for regulatory purposes, they increasingly are admitted by courts as evidence of the standard of care in Judges/lawyers  malpractice cases.  Cumbersome and intentionally imprecise, these rules do not lend themselves readily to the kind of analysis that can discern a breach of duty.

    Regardless, their acceptance for that purpose grows and, for better or worse, Judges/lawyers should expect that their clients will ask them to play by the rules they themselves have created.

Judicial Willful Misconduct Cases​
The Judicial Solutions 

If a judge  is being  unfair and partial to me, can I request a new judge?

It's Difficult to get a judge removed from a case unless you can prove they have a conflict of interest.

What you (and your attorney) need to do is make sure that you present all the evidence and testimony necessary for an appeal, should the judge rule against you.
In your appeal, you must argue issues of law, not issues of fact. That means you must make sure all necessary facts are raised in the court transcript, and you must make sure you can point to a law or precedent that the court violated.

The relevant statute for asking for a change of judge is found at A.R.S. 12-409:

12-409. Change of judge; grounds; affidavit
A. If either party to a civil action in a superior court files an affidavit alleging any of the grounds specified in subsection B, the judge shall at once transfer the action to another division of the court if there is more than one division, or shall request a judge of the superior court of another county to preside at the trial of the action.
B. Grounds which may be alleged as provided in subsection A for change of judge are:
1. That the judge has been engaged as counsel in the action prior to appointment or election as judge.
2. That the judge is otherwise interested in the action.
3. That the judge is of kin or related to either party to the action.
4. That the judge is a material witness in the action.
5. That the party filing the affidavit has cause to believe and does believe that on account of the bias, prejudice, or interest of the judge he cannot obtain a fair and impartial trial. If you believe one of the above grounds applies in your case, you can file a Motion for Change of Judge with the court. In this motion you can ask the judge voluntarily remove himself/herself, or that the court remove the judge from the case.
However, be aware that once a case is underway, it is unlikely a judge will remove himself/herself without cause. Additionally, a very high burden must be met to show the judge is acting with bias and therefore should be removed. It should be emphasized that you must show objective proof the judge is favoring the other party, and that any bias is negatively affecting the administration of justice – a feeling that the judge is acting unfairly is not enough to sustain a motion to change the judge.

Methods of Removing State Judges

Methods of Removing State Judges


Nearly all fifty states have constitutional provisions for removal of state judges by impeachment.  In most states, the impeachment procedure begins with the House of Representatives voting on whether a judge should be impeached.  If the impeachment measure passes in the House, it then goes to the state Senate for a trial and the Senate will vote on whether to convict.  Grounds for impeachment often include terms such as “malfeasance,” “misfeasance,” “gross misconduct,” “gross immorality,” “high crimes,” “habitual intemperance,” and “maladministration.”

                                            Vote for:

  1. Cameras in ALL Court Rooms.

  2. All Public Court employees have Mandatory Ethics Annual Training w/Proctors.

  3. Community Ethics Review Boards of Court Officers.

  4. Hair Drug testing for all public court officers annually.

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